Where’s Waldo… Rampage Edition

A mountain biker clears the massive canyon gap at Red Bull Rampage in Utah.

|| A competitor clears the massive canyon gap at the Red Bull Rampage event in 2010. There were a slew of amazing photos that came out of this event, mostly because there was an army of outdoor and bike photographers sprinting around. Heat and dirt, the two most common elements that you have to contend with at Rampage. I can’t imagine rolling into this hit. ||

Nice Little Saturday

No Home Depot, no Bed Bath and Beyond, just a little ride into Sugarhouse to get business done.

Pushing a 6in travel bike around city streets isn’t the most enjoyable thing in the world but it gets your legs jacked, oh snap.

Stan Evans and I went on a mid-day caffeine binge with our laptops to do a little people watching, bullshitting, and general business. Cruised some neighborhoods and ended up mowing down some wings before we pedaled back up to the ‘hood.

Not too shabby, a nice little Saturday.