Bolts From the Sky

Endless rain.

Salt Lake City has been a sad state of affairs the last few weeks. The rain won’t stop.

Little Cottonwood Canyon residents are lining the river with sandbags, and a few of the reservoirs are overflowing.

Last summer all I had to complain about was the endless heat, now its the rain. We’ve been treated to some serious fireworks display courtesy of the thunderhead clouds rolling through.

My buddy Matt Boynton snagged a couple of cool shots from his house in SLC at the same time I grabbed one up in Park City.

Wild stuff, glad I had my camera. Thanks for the photos Matt.

30 Seconds to Mars

After shooting the Grand Prix event I posted about earlier, I had a chance to shoot a few frames at a free 30 Seconds to Mars Concert.

Free events mean lots of people, lots of people increase the odds of something potentially going wrong.. see where I’m going here?

Within about five minutes of the start of the concert the entire crowd pushed through the non-existant barrier (plastic fencing), and into the “media area” directly in front of the stage. For a tense moment or two there was lots of grabbing, tossing, dragging, and punching while photogs and filmers scrambled to either protect or recover their gear. To my knowledge nothing was broken or stolen, but I would say that’s only because everyone covering this event is generally used to a chaotic shooting environment already.

Heard some great stories from a couple filmers later when I attended the XDance showing of Red Bull’s Project X down in the city.. Good times.